
You can find the package on PyPI and it can then be installed using pip:

pip install django-email-foundation

You can also download the .zip distribution file and unpack it or download the sources. Inside this zip, you can find a script file named Enter this command:

python install

…and the package will be installed automatically.


This package has been tested on:

  • Python: 3.5.9, 3.6.7
  • Django: 1.9.x, 2.1.7
  • npm: 5.8.0
  • yarn: 1.13.0
  • node: 8.11.4, 10.20.1

In your Django project’s settings, add the package to your INSTALLED_APPS:


It is also necessary to add the def urls in your project. Edit your main and add:

urlpatterns = [
    path('def/', include('django_email_foundation.urls')),

Below you can see a list of all available settings which can be added to your Django settings configuration. Notice that these constants start with DEF (Django Email Foundation).

Required settings

These settings are required and necessary to use any of the def commands.


It refers to the relative path from your root project where your email sources templates are located. For example, if you have the following folder’s tree:

└── src
    ├── emails_app
    │   ├──
    │   ├── templates
    │   │   └── emails_app
    │   ├── templates_sources
    │   │   ├── assets
    │   │   ├── helpers
    │   │   ├── layouts
    │   │   ├── pages
    │   │   └── partials
    │   └──

Them the constant should be:

DEF_TEMPLATES_SOURCE_PATH = 'src/emails_app/templates_sources'


Important! The paths must be relative from the root project


It refers to the path where the compiled email templates are stored. For example, from the previous example:

DEF_TEMPLATES_TARGET_PATH = 'src/emails_app/templates/emails_app'


Necessary for set where store the static files (images) in to the target path. Example:

DEF_STATIC_TARGET_PATH = 'src/emails_app/static/emails_app'

Take a look on this example with the three required settings:


Optional settings

The optional settings can be used when you want to override the default values.


It allows you to set which node package’s system will be used for installing the dependencies. Default optoin is yarn but you can replace with npm.


The path where the node packages will be installed. The node_modules folder, by default will be created at the project root folder. Do not include node_modules in this setting. For example:

DEF_NODE_MODULES_PATH = '/home/my-user/workspace/my-project'


A list (or tuple) of files that will not be built with panini when the email_builder command is running. However they will be moved at the target folder path.

By default there are two files, subject.html and body.txt.

For example you could have the following scenario:

├── assets
├── helpers
├── layouts
├── pages
│   └── user_account_validation
│       ├── body.html
│       ├── body.txt
│       └── subject.html
└── partials

You may only want to compile the body.html file but not the other two. Although you want to move it to the destination folder.


By default http://localhost:8000. Change it if your project runs on another host or port.